Curious Inkpot- Beyond a Blog

Stories from an Indian Millennial

When do they start? When do they stop? Do they ever stop? The great expectations! You think it will stop once you have scored high in board exams! Or may be when you get into an excellent college! Or or..may be when you get the 'dream job'! Well, it doesn't! It continues to creep, in questions on when you should get married or when you should have babies! I was naive to think that that's probably the worst of it. Well, it isnt! 

Because now the burden of those great expectations shifts to your offsprings! And it starts even before they are born! From gender to the prospective looks are debated! And God forbid if your baby doesn't fall in the top fairness scale that was once shown in fair and lovely ads, you are doomed! Every visitor will ensure in someway to convey 'thoda sanwali/sanwala hai', 'wheatish banega iska rang' and if your baby is 'fair', well they would make sure to convey that too. As if they can't see anything beyond color! 

How can our society be so blind ? How can you not see this beautiful child and the happiness he/she has brought to a family? The endless possibilities ahead of him/her than just being 'gora ya kala'. How can you not!

But this is only a beginning, I now realise as a young mother. You probably wouldn't bother but the society will put your child under the lens! 'Accha itne mahine ki ho gayi fir toh roll karne lagi hogi!', 'Arre abhi tak tali (clap) bajani nahi sikhi? Yeh toh bacche sabse pehle seekhte hain!', 'Ghutne se chalne lagi kya?', 'Kitna khati hai?', ' Kya kya khati hai?'. 

One of the most ridiculous discussions has been about the 'the speed of her chewing'! 
And the question is presented as 'Abhi khaane mein natak toh nahi karti?'. Like seriously! Is this for real? What do you expect from a child who is experiencing so many textures and tastes for the first time! To eat like an adult from day one?
Well dear adult, food is supposed to be chewed slowly! You are at wrong if you are hurried when eating. Also, just because you shoved it up your baby's throat when they were little, doesn't mean it is a good thing or it makes them a better eater or you a better parent! So unless I am not forcing you to feed my child, why don't you mind your own business for once!

While you might feel that today's educated experienced moms would be a bit more kind to you. You are in for a disappointment. They suddenly become an expert in child raising and wouldn't take a second in dumping their 'knowledge' on you! Most of the times, unsolicited. If raising a child or two makes you an expert, I am just wasting my money on paedtricians!

Ps: It doesn't matter how old their experience is or how much progress the world has made in between. 'We want to compare our teenage child to your 10 days old baby! Just because we can!'

Now that you have gone through my rant, I want you to wonder why do we as a society do this? 
Why do we mount this ever increasing burden of the great expectations on other people and innocent children?

I know some of it might be just careless commenting but it hurts. I am not one of those moms who track a baby's milestone or get worried when they don't achieve them. Still it pinches me when somebody makes these uncalled comments about my child! Can you imagine the pressure on young moms who are already so concerned or whose child might have a different growth graph?

I know some of them and I empathise with their everyday struggle. The expectations, the societal pressures of fitting in, add to that the vulnerability of being a young mother and everything that comes with it. It just gets to them.

So why do we do that? 

My best guess is because we are so used to putting everything in a box. Boxes are our comfort zone, we can't let the nature, flow! We want to build a dam on a beautiful river! We want to pluck a fragrant rose and let it wilt instead, in our drawing room. We want to cage a beautiful free bird to its misery! Because we as humans cannot handle and appreciate beauty, rawness, nature! 
We don't want to see this beautiful child, the twinkle in her eyes, the way she touches your cheek to convey her warmth. We don't want to see the innocence, the carefreeness, the love, the godliness these little beautiful humans represent.

Instead we see boxes! The boxes of looks, behavior, growth they need to adhere to! We see assembly line where babies aren't just babies, one of god's amazing creation but they are products. They need to achieve a level of finishing in a fix time schedule else they will loose the rat race we all are trying very hard to get out of! How ironic! How sad! 

We take everything beautiful and suck the beauty and rawness out of it. And it isn't just the careless visitors, insensitive relatives, we parents are culprits too. But remember it's the same societal pressure that our parents faced which influenced their opinions. Its the same expectations that didn't let you pursue the degree of your choosing or marry the girl you loved! I can see it because I can see life come a full circle with the birth of my beautiful child! The great expectations is a circle too and ever mounting one! 

But here I refuse to follow the norm, I refuse to tread the line! My child will not be burdened with these mindless expectations! I see her beauty, her sensitivity, her spark. I wouldn't let it diminish to a box! I wouldn't! 

But can I do it alone? May be but probably not for long. Nor can so many young parents like me. So here I am requesting: 

If you are that visitor, visiting a young child's home, please don't burden his or her parents with your opinion of how well their child should be doing in life or academics. You can bitch about it to your partner when you get home. You are anyways gonna do that.
So please be a little thoughtful when you still can.

If you are the relative, please respect the boundaries and please give opinions when asked. For you that passing comment on their child might be just a conversation starter, trust me it isn't for them.

If you are the elder of the family, please give the young parents space to raise the child as they want. You had your time, you had your way. Its their time. Support, help and guide but please don't dictate. 

If you are that 'experienced mom', can you be a little encouraging instead? Or may be not comment at all? If your generation behaves in the same way the previous generation did, how are we gonna ever progress?

If you are a young parent like me, please be kind to yourself. And know you are not alone. 

If we can try to do even half of what I wrote above. We can help built a world for our children which isn't burdened with these great expectations. We can build a world where every child is truely unique, where possibilities are endless and no rainbow too far! 
Are you with me?

This is for you my child, Navdha! I SEE YOU ! Even when this world would be judgemental or will see only what's outside. I will see you and will always have your back! 
Also, God forbid, if I ever fall in this trap of 'great expectations' , please make me come back and read this note :)

आप सोच रहे होंगे यह blog हिंदी में क्यूँ ? मैं कहूँगी क्यूँ नहीं? जहाँ के बारे में यह blog है उसके अनुभव को अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए हिंदी ही उपयुक्त थी। शहरों से दूर गाँवों में बसे भारत की आबो हवा कुछ ऐसी है की अंग्रेज़ी जँचेंगीं नहीं।
वैसे सच तो यह भी है की हम कितनी भी भाषाएं सीख ले, लेकिन जो भाव अपनी मात्रभाषा में है, वह कही नहीं।
ख़ैर ! तो सफ़र शुरू करें?

हमारा सफ़र शुरू हुआ मध्य प्रदेश के आर्थिक राजधानी कहे जाने वाले शहर, इंदौर से। पहली मंज़िल थी ओमकरेश्वर, भारत के १२ सिंध ज्योतिर्लिंग में से एक। इंदौर से ओमकारेश्वर का रास्ता कुछ दो ढाई घंटे का है। ओमकारेश्वर मंदिर, नर्मदा नदी किनारे, एक पहाड़ी पे स्थित है। जहाँ जाने के लिए या तो पुल नहीं तो नाव का इस्तेमाल करना पड़ता है। पुल से नीचे का द्रश्य कुछ विहंगम सा था। दो पहाड़ियों के बीच से बहती नर्मदा नदी और उस पर चलती हुई नावें । वैसे नाव की मोटर के शोर को छोड़ दिया जाए तो बाक़ी सब सुकून देने वाला था। एक बार को लगा की शायद यह बाक़ी तीर्थों से थोड़ा अलग है। कम भीड़, शांति और दूर दूर तक बस कल कल कर बहती नदी। तभी प्रसाद के लिए आवाज़ लगते हुए विक्रेताओं ने हमें धरातल पे ला खड़ा । फिर आए पंडित जो सभी करम कांड कराने को तत्पर थे।

भारत के तीर्थ स्थानों के दर्शन करते करते अब आदत यूँ हो गयी है की मंदिर के प्रवेश द्वार पर पंडितों को देखते ही मन पहले से ही सतर्क हो जाता है। ना जाने धर्म और पूर्वजों के नाम पर कितने पैसे खसोट बैठें। आप कभी रामेश्वरम जाएँ तो बौखला जाएँगे । कभी भारत के मंदिर सिर्फ़ पूजा पाठ नहीं पर ज्ञान, शिक्षा और कौशल के केंद्र हुआ करते थे। अगर ऐसा आज भी होता तो भारत के धर्म स्थलों का द्रश्य कुछ ओर ही होता। TV पर ज़ोर ज़ोर से बहस करने वाले हिंदू धर्म के ठेकेदारों को इस बारें में भी राष्ट्र स्तर पर कुछ सोचना चाहिए। छोटा मुँह बड़ी बात।

फिर भी एक २५-३० साल के पंडित जी माने नहीं। दर्शन अच्छे से कराएँगे कहकर, अपना rate पहले ही बता दिए। मंदिर का प्रांगण काफ़ी साफ़ और व्यवस्थित था। दर्शन भी अच्छे से हुए। पंडित जी ने हमें बहाने से करम कांडों के लिए बैठाने की कोशिश भी की पर हम बहके नहीं। बस निरंतर बहते जल से क्षति होते हुए शिवलिंग को देखते हुए ऐसा लगा की क्यूँ हम इन धरोहरों को आगे की पीढ़ियों के लिए बचाने के बारे में कम सोचते हैं। ऐसा ना हो की आगे की पीढ़ियाँ सिर्फ़ तस्वीर में दर्शन करें। आप सोच रहे होंगे, फ़र्क़ क्या पड़ता है। भगवान मन में होने चाहिए। आपकी बात से मैं पूरी सहमति रखती हूँ। बस इतना ही कहूँगी, काम तो work from home से भी हो सकता है पर फिर भी कंपनियाँ बड़े बड़े आफ़िस रखती है। बाक़ी आप समझदार हैं।

ओमकरेश्वर से हम निकल पड़े रानी अहिल्या बाई होलकर की नगरी, महेश्वर जो नर्मदा तट पर बस हुई है। कानों में indian ocean बैंड के ‘माँ रेवा’ की धुन (नर्मदा का दूसरा नाम रेवा भी है) और हाइवे पे सरपट दौड़ती हमारी गाड़ी। हाइवे पर सिर्फ़ दोनों तरफ़ खेत ही खेत। शुक्र है, हम खाने लेकर चले थे। अप्रैल की तपती धूप में हाइवे पर गन्ने की जूस की रेड़ी दिखी और उसके पास लगा एक छोटा सा तंबू । हमने गाड़ी वहीं रोक ली। दूर दूर तक आबादी का कोई निशान नहीं था।
निशुल्क पियाऊ से जल पीते यात्री
सड़क की दूसरी ओर एक बड़े पेड़ के पास खंडर सा कमरा। तंबू में लाल वेश में भगवा पगड़ी पहने एक बाबा चिल्लम जला रहे थे। हमें देखते ही वो अपनी कुर्सी उठाए सड़क के पास बैठ गए ताकि हम सब खाने खा सके। कुछ खाना हमें बाबा जी को भी दे दिया, उन्होंने खाया और अपना चिल्लम बनाने में वो फिर मस्त हो गए। खाना खाते हुए मेरी नज़र बाबा जी पर पड़ी। कुर्सी पे एक पैर चढ़ा, आँखें बंद कर, गर्दन को एक तरफ़ किए, होटों के एक कोने में चिल्लम दबाए, अपने आसपास के माहौल से बेख़बर, वे जिस तरह से बैठे थे, मुझे मोहम्मद रफ़ी का बस एक गीत मन में आया। “मैं ज़िंदगी का साथ निभाता चला गया, मैं फ़िक्र को धुएँ में...”। इच्छा हुई की इस पल को फ़ोटो में क़ैद कर लूँ। पर जब तक मैं इस झिझक से बाहर आ पाती, बाबा जी सड़क के उस पार चले गए।

ख़ैर हमने भोजन ख़त्म किया और गन्ने का जूस पिए या नहीं पिए इस पर विचार चल ही रहा था की मन में अभी भी उत्सुकता थी बाबा जी की कहानी को तस्वीर में उतारने की। थोड़ा साहस कर हम सड़क के उस पार गए। बाबा जी से पूछा, “क्या आपकी तस्वीर ले लें?”। वो तुरंत तैयार हो गए। बोले, ‘अरे जब वहाँ बैठे थे तो तभी बोल देते’। हैरानी की बात यह है की कैमरे के सामने बाबा जी ऐसे सहज रहे मानो कोई celebrity हों।

ग़ौर से देखोगे तो शायद वैराग्य दिखे।

मन हुआ की इनके बार में और जाना जाए। तो बैठ गयी मैं भी बाबा जी के पास, कौन है, कहाँ से आए हैं पूछने। पता लगा बाबा जी का नाम राणा जी है। हाँ हाँ, हंस ली जिए। पहले मुझे ध्यान में नहीं आया, जब लिखने लगी तो लगा आप लोग ज़रूर पकड़ेंगे। लेखक जब कुछ भी लिखता है तो वो मात्र शब्द नहीं जोड़ रहा होता, उसके मन में वो अपने पाठकों से सामवाद कर रहा होता है। कब हँसेंगे, कब भावुक होंगे...

हाँ तो बाबा जी इंदौर के निवासी हैं , ५ बेटियाँ हैं जो सकुशल अपनी गृहस्थी में व्यस्त हैं और बाबा जी ओमकारेश्वर की यात्रा में निकले थे। रहने का कोई ठौर ठिकाना नहीं है शायद, क्यूँकि बोले, ‘बस सब भोले की कृपा से हो जाता है, जैसे आपने अपने आप से दो रोटी दे दी, कोई थोड़े पैसे दे देता कोई सर पे छत, सब अच्छे से हो जाता है।

सच में सुकून तो सिर्फ़ उसके पास है जिसके पास संसाधन कम हैं । बाक़ी हम सब तो बस दौड़ रहे किसी ना किसी आकांक्षा या ललक की ओर। काश बड़े शहर की भागती दौड़ती इस ज़िंदगी में थोड़ा सा इन बाबा जी जैसा वैराग्य, थोड़ी सी बेफ़िक्री घुल जाती।काश!

उनसे विदा ले हमने अपना ध्यान लगाया गन्ने के जूस पे। ग्राहक की बाट देखते हुए पहले विक्रेता मक्खियाँ मारते थे आजकल मोबाइल चलाते हैं। हमारें जूस वाले भैया मोबाइल में कुछ यूँ ही तल्लीन थे। सही में India तो भारत के गाँवों में पहुँच चुका है, पर भारत के गाँव कब India तक पहुँचेंगे?
फ़ोन में व्यस्त
गन्ने की जूस से हमारा पुराना रिश्ता है। बड़े शहरों का तो पता नहीं पर छोटे शहरों के हर बच्चे का होता है। शिवरात्रि के समय शिवमंदिर के पास लगे मेले में भाई और पिताजी के साथ हर वर्ष गन्ने के जूस का आनंद लेते थे। मिट्टी का किचन सेट, पानी पर केवल २ दिन चल ख़राब हो जाने वाली नाँव और बुलबुले बनाने वाला पानी जो घर पे कितना भी ईज़ी या डिटर्जेंट घोलने पर भी ना बने! यह सब तो साथ में आते ही थे।फिर एक साल गन्ने के जूस पीने से तबियत थोड़ी नासाज़ हो गयी, बस तबसे फूँक फूँक कर पीते हैं। यहाँ स्थिति थोड़ी साफ़ लग रही थी तो हमने सोचा क्यूँ नहीं! तपती दोपहरी में ठंडा ठंडा गन्ने का जूस, भाई वाह!

सफ़र बढ़ चला, मध्य प्रदेश के पुरातन शहर महेशमती यानी महेश्वर की ओर...

कुछ शब्द बहुत दिनों से मन में घूमेर कर रहे थे, आपके साथ साझा कर रही हूँ...

कुछ आधा सा, कुछ अधूरा सा,
तुम्हारी आँखों में शायद?
पर मेरी आँखों में पूरा सा,

कभी आज़ाद पंछी सी उड़ान,
कभी बुदबुदाते शब्दों की लड़खड़ाती ज़बान,

कह कर भी अनकहे सवालों सा,
उस ख़ामोशी में ढूँढते जवाबों सा,

पल में झील सी गहरायी,
पल में समुन्दर की अँगड़ायी,

किताब के पन्नों में छुपा, सूखा सा गुलाब
या बस कोई बिसरी सी याद,

कभी सुनी हुई कहानी,
कभी मीरा दीवानी,

कभी सब के जैसा,
कभी सब से अलग,

फिर भी है,
कुछ तुम में थोड़ा,
कुछ मुझमें शायद,
इश्क़ ।


We are in the month of reflection and redemption. It’s that time of year when a lot of us get into a pensive mood, thinking about things we could have done better and things we should start doing. This mood might be voluntary or forced upon us by the excess of ‘New Year Resolutions’ posts or annual appraisal cycle of corporate which adds little to our pockets but more to our mental stress. What should I say about new year resolutions? I think they are as overrated as Valentine’s Day. Largely engineered to increase the sale of gyms and other health centres with full paid and hardly attended memberships.
On days, I am not serial procrastinating, I believe today is the day to make the change because tomorrow never comes and certainly neither, new year. But if you are one of those to whom new year is the motivation to make amends and you are really determined to shake things around you. Let me give you my two cents on changes that may last longer.
Why? Well since everyone is pretending to be a travel blogger these days, what stops me from hopping on to the wagon of my choice! So here you go:

This year I am going to sweat out those extra kilos in the gym!
If you have been saying this to yourself, every time your dress’s zip gets stuck at a trial room or someone points at your every increasing belly, be warned. You know you haven’t been able to get yourself to do it since like years? So what is the guarantee it would happen now? Nor are we Kareena Kapoors, so the thrill of being spotted by paparazzi or getting to wear free or expensive sportswear is out of the question. Plus there is no dearth of larger clothes in the city malls and who doesn’t like the comfort of a loose pair of pajamas?
Since we have safely established that our motivation to change the ‘shape of you’ is extremely low. So what do we do? If you ask me, not that you have any choice now. I’d say have a real conversation with yourself, lower your pedestal and find something that suits you. Treadmill routines can be utterly boring and it won’t make us any less mortal in admitting that. So just like a well-stitched suit, find an exercise that motivates you, be it yoga, circuit training or simply running. Understand if you are a lone wolf or a group motivates you better. Powai has great green stretches and abundant gyms and classes. Explore, experiment and get on.

I am going to have a better work-life balance!
Well, we all mere mortals have been trying to achieve it but just like a carrot hanged in front of a donkey, it always eludes. With the new buzzword of work-life integration, we can only expect more work being integrated into our lives and rarely the vice versa. So what do we do? Well if you ask me, I would be running with double speed from such a lifestyle. But if you are someone who enjoys the adrenaline rush of closing a deal or the experiences that come with constant travelling, well you gotta plan your life better. I am sure most of you do that already. But if you haven’t started, the clock is ticking. After all, no one takes trophies to the grave but only memories. So they better be the best ones ;)

I am going to spend less time on mobile or TV!
In a world of endless scrolling and immense options to watch from, knowing when to stop is becoming increasingly difficult. But if you have been intending on doing it, let me help you with some suggestions. Use the technology against itself. These days there are free applications that will automatically shut the social media apps, once the predefined duration is over. You can even choose to block the apps for certain hours of the day or keep them relaxed on weekends. I personally have found them a great saviour. Go hit your play store and try one of them. If you are a couple, not watching Netflix during dinner time and instead opting for a chilled out conversation is a great pact you both can make together. The good old buddy system never goes out of fashion, even if it's for getting over TV addiction. The options are many. You just need to find what is really doable for you.

One last resolution. This may or may not be in your priority list right now. But it should be. It's a resolution that impacts beyond our personal lives.

Climate Change (Did you say boring…?)
Well, hopefully unlike trump we all are aware that climate change is real and happening. Every day we hear about Delhi but have you noticed the smog clouds that lately surround Powai from time to time? Do you know a 10% water cut in Mumbai has already started until next rains? Did you read that the 7 lakes of Mumbai are being monitored for water levels? Are you aware that Mumbai's garbage dumping grounds are already reaching their limits? The seasonal cycle is already going for a toss. So what can we really do on our own? An initiative to carpool within society or nearby people? Optimizing usage of water in daily activities? Saying no to straw by nariyal paniwala? Every small act when combined can create a huge impact.

So now that I have given you some unsolicited 'gyan', I hope you find it useful. I will see you in this new year, hopefully Instagramming a lot more workout photos or whatever is that you plan to kick-start or let go in the new year!

Ganpati celebrations mark the beginning of the festive season. We are already through with Navratri and just days away from Deepawali. As a little girl, I always looked forward to Navratri celebrations. It used to be one busy week, especially between Saptami to Navami. It would be as if the whole neighbourhood has suddenly woken up to my existence. There would be so many invites that I could literally use an appointment diary for those 3 days. For the uninitiated, this is the time when in some parts of the country, families host young girls for a meal and gifts as a ritual of ending fasting period. The house hopping with cousins and neighbourhood friends would start sharp at 8 am with multiple trips back home. As there was only so much of chole, puri and halwa plates that my little hands could accommodate. Back then I could never understand, why the people whom we were supposed to bow with Namaste and call uncles and aunties rest of the year, would be washing our feet and asking for our blessings. But the happy chatter with the gang and the joy of eating all the food would fade away any serious business. 

The real excitement, however, would start when it was finally time to count your earnings for the day and compare with rest of the cousins as to who got how much. That time, gifting 1-2 Rs was a norm and if someone gave in the denominations of 5 or 10 Rs or things like a pencil box, a mental note would be made to move them to the high priority for next year’s visits. If you could collect 50 rs (with a generous contribution from mom and dad), the next few weeks at the nearby candy store would be a breeze. But for the ‘good’ kids like me, it would be a question of how much to invest in the ‘gulluck’ and how much to spend on candies.

Sometimes, I feel that festivals from the eyes of kids are more colourful, vibrant and exciting. Some of my fondest festival memories are from childhood.

This is what Navratri has meant to me as I grew in the lovely little valley of Dehradun. Parents would be fasting for most of the 9 days. In the evening we would be treated with some yummy food, without having to undertake any sacrifice. The festivities would culminate by hosting young girls over a meal at the end of the fasting period. The idea of dandiya, garba and pujo pandal for me was confined to the ‘festivals’ chapter of social studies book and Bollywood with a special mention to the movie Devdas.

So it’s no surprise that my maiden Garba and Pujo visit happened here in Mumbai. I am still always amazed at the enthusiasm with which dance preparations begin weeks before the actual dandia season. Though traditional dancing is not my strongest asset, I at least visit the Pujo Pandal here in Powai, once during the celebrations. I’ll be honest, I do not understand very much of the Bengali traditions despite having at least one good bong connection throughout my life. I even had a namesake Bengali friend in school, whose father would wrongly pronounce her name as ‘shugondha’ until she told me that there is no ‘s’ in Bengali, it is always ‘sh’. She even taught me some survival sentences lest I ended up in Bengal someday. In fact, my ‘sweeter’ ego is definitely Bengali as the sound of Saundesh, Chaum Chaum and Kheer Kadam is like music to my ears.

So I visited the pandal this year too. It was quite busier than last year, maybe because it was the day of ‘Navami’. The statue of Devi maa was captivating as always, the environment outside electric and the chatter vibrant. After darshan, we quickly moved to the sweets counter ready to gulp down the festive sweets. But as the taste of overpriced, stale tasting roshogullas was about to put the damper, KK’s voice singing ‘Kya Mujhe Pyaar Hai’ just salvaged the mood. The weather started to become cool and windy as if indicating the onset of the change in the season after Navratri. We decided to call it a night, with an intention to come back next year again, maybe not for the roshugullas but definitely for the sweetness of the festival.

This year I decided to give the yearly bonus to my cook who incidentally is a Bengali, earlier as I felt for her, ‘pujo’ would be her Diwali. The happiness on her face was priceless. I asked her if she was planning to visit the nearby pandal. She nodded in yes but I could see a sadness loom on her face. When I asked her, she reminiscently said, ‘Didi, it isn’t the same as back in my village near Kolkata. There the festivities are as big as during Ganpati here’. She missed home! Don’t we all, especially during the time of festivals? We all may have built our lives here. Might hold the dream jobs and dream cars but there is something in the spirit of festivals that they will subconsciously remind you of where the home is. It doesn’t matter if you come from a small village of Maharashtra or a small hamlet of Uttar Pradesh. It might be a small fading memory or pure missing. You will always be reminded of where you come from. For me, it has always been the festival of Deepawali. The years that I couldn’t go home for Diwali, I would always reminisce the lights on the porch, the rangoli making in the verandah and the simple joy of lighting every dark corner of the house with one diya at a time.

So if you know of anyone who isn’t going home this Diwali, invite them over or bring some sweets while coming back from home. If you are someone who isn’t going home, don’t be shy to knock on the nearby door and wish Happy Diwali! Who knows when new friendships are forged and bonds are further strengthened with these simple gestures. May this festive season lights not the just the deepest corners of your house but your hearts and minds too.

-Reproduced from my column in 'My Powai' magazine.

If you have enjoyed my writings, don't miss this most popular article.

I am a writer by passion, a petroleum engineer by accident and a proud Indian by origin. Follow my stories on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

I was busy working on laptop when my phone buzzed. I looked at the phone’s screen. It was a message from one of the zillion WhatsApp groups I was part of. As some of us do, I ignored it. I was down writing two more lines when suddenly my phone started ringing with messages. Either there was a breaking news or someone’s birthday. Curious, I opened my WhatsApp. The messages were from one of the women groups of Powai. After a few scrolls down, I finally reached the origin of the buzz. Someone was looking for a Bai aka maid and had put in a description which read like this: ‘Urgent. Looking for a trustworthy, well-trained, punctual and reliable maid. Someone who is versatile and hygienic. She shouldn’t take unannounced leaves and should happily manage some odd jobs from time to time. Please help.’ As I scrolled down the chat, the reactions were mixed and many. Some ladies had thrown ‘I am also looking for one’ hat in the ring while some had responded with downright cynicism, discussing their own bai woes. A few women, however, had tried to help with numbers of bais, they knew. The thread had now become a conversation, the lady who asked the query, since being absent.

This is, however, not an uncommon event. The ‘Bai’ woes are regularly discussed on footsteps of yoga classes, during lunch with the ‘girls’, while watching over kids in the garden and since that doesn't satiate our frustration, over phone calls as well. Yesterday only, my mom called from Dehradun, telling me how her bai, whom she had tried to disband from the house, wasn’t letting anyone take the job in ‘her territory.’ The business of bais affects each and all of us.

The ‘bai’ is to us what HR is to office goers. No-one is happy with them, they think they run the house and when it comes to criticising their lack of response, the lines of seniority or class get blurred. In bringing women together, the topic of bai finds its only parallel with that of their mothers-in-law or daughters-in-law, depending on which side of the wrinkles you are on.

In fact, our relationship with our bais is a lot like a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, except a way more complicated. When it comes to chores, the bais show the lousy behaviour of a ‘nayi bahu’ but the moment guests arrive, they suddenly turn the ‘saasu-maa’ mode on, leaving one high and dry. Despite your severe lack of liking towards them, you cannot just throw ‘I am having a bad day’ tantrum to your bai as you might to your husband. Unless of course, you want your bad day extended to next 48 hours. Your character and personal skills are judged not by the friends you keep but how long you can keep your bai.

But bais can be very resourceful too. In our gadget-addicted world where we know everything about our Facebook friends and nothing about ‘know thy neighbour’, bais bring the current affair that isn’t published in any newspaper. They keep you abreast with everything that you need or needn't know about your neighbour or someone within a 1-km range. From which didi has frequent guests, which didi is too demanding to which didi is going for a ‘phorein’ holiday, they keep you updated about everything! If you are wondering where they get their information from, try stepping out of your 700 sq ft world or whatever is that you afford and take a walk downstairs. You will find, various groups of bais, engaging in serious conversations, as they slowly rub the gutka masala on their palm and with the finesse of a professional, tuck it into a corner of their mouth. Gossips are exchanged and the reverse topic of ‘memsab woes’ are discussed. Fascinated with the idea of what exactly they discuss, I have even tried to pull a slow walk, just to eavesdrop, but to no avail. However, these women are not all talk and no work. You realise that only once in a while when one of your NRI relatives arrives and seeing the maid, gives a deep sigh saying, ‘I forget what it felt like to get your work done. Back in the US, it's all hands on for us.' Just like any Indian, you get defensive with ‘you know, you don’t need to clean every day there. Here in India, there is so much dust’ reply while secretly thanking the underdeveloped state of our country for the cheaper services.

My phone buzzed again. A lady replied to the one looking for a maid, 'I think you have just described the best bai in the world. Someone, we all dream to have one day. If you do find her, please send her across.’ This just reignited the chat conversations.

So does the best bai in the world really exists? Isn’t it like asking an employer, does the best employee in the world exists? Isn’t that an enigma? Those who might have the ideal one wouldn’t speak of it, afraid of being poached from and those who haven't found one, it's a hunt forever.This time my phone rang. A crackling voice came from the other end, ‘Didi, main aaj nai ayegi!’

-Reproduced from my column in 'My Powai' magazine.

If you have enjoyed my writings, don't miss this most popular article.

I am a writer by passion, a petroleum engineer by accident and a proud Indian by origin. Follow my stories on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Don't worry, I’m not going to talk about overpriced coffees or exquisite furniture of a cafe. I am discussing coffee shops and cafes today, more as a culture. Spending my first 5 years of independent life in a corporate, I was largely unaware of this culture thriving in Powai. Until of course I left my stable, fat paying, 9-5 job for a more entrepreneurial stint. A stunt, however, would be a more appropriate word for what I pulled off.

That’s when I started visiting cafes, either working from there or meeting people. I soon realized that these places are more than just for coffee or cakes. They have transformed into what we might call as co-working spaces. From freelancers to entrepreneurs, you will find a lot of people doing more than just sipping their coffee. Scenes of Investors conducting their meetings, discussing industry scenarios to entrepreneurs hard selling their ideas are quite common. Not a surprising fact, given after Bengaluru, the next start-ups idea or a copy of the idea is born in the very abode of our Powai. I too have met some really creative and enterprising people there. So if next time, you go to a cafe, you will find entrepreneurs and nerds tucked in various corners with their eyes glued to the laptop screen and ears plugged with music or tie-d professionals discussing numbers.

However, in a fresh change, even the corporates are now following the suit. They are increasingly moving from mundane office meeting rooms to lively halls of cafes. With an increase in the young millennial workforce, senior professionals are seeing cafes as an opportunity for informal interactions and bonding with their younger teammates. On one of the visits, I saw a big group of corporate kids sitting on a large table, spearheaded by their middle-aged boss. The boss, however, mistook the whole coffee shop to his conference room. Perturbed by his loud speech, I started looking around to see if I was the only one getting that complimentary lecture. At that moment, seeing the solo workers sitting quietly with their ears plugged, I realized the importance of carrying a pair of those noise cancelling ear phones.

So the experience is not always very pleasant for the rest of us. Though as the old guy was at least attempting to embrace the new ways of millennial, we should give him that. In ways, I think it represents the changing work culture in India.

Cafes are also the new ladies' kitty party place. Or is it called something else now? Well, apologies to the ladies, but with my small city upbringing, that's what we call the gathering of well-dressed women, chatting or playing games as part of their monthly meeting. However, the cafe version of Kitty is very different from what I have seen growing up. Spring rolls have been replaced with sponge cakes, chai with coffee, sarees with skirts and buns have given way to the perfect blow-dried hair. However, the only thing constant is gossip :D

Teenage has also seen an upgrade. Well, it's more of their pockets actually. Because frankly, teenage since time immemorial has been the age to do stupid stuff or share silly statuses on social media, to be embarrassed in later life. The upgrade on pocket-money however, is significant. I bet if someone could calculate, the teenage pocket-money must have increased more than the inflation rate of our country. I see teenagers frequently thronging these cafes. Something that would have been, once in a blue moon thing during my own teenage, which wasn’t that many years ago. I already feel like a dinosaur, seeing these teenagers posing for an Instagram worthy moment with their cuppa.

Just like in the case of adapting technology, the oldies often accompanying their young prodigies, are learning to order their perfect cup of coffee or trying a new cuisine. I see their sons and daughters patiently and happily explaining the intricacies and references of different dishes.

Thus, Cafés in ways are like mini urban India. They represent the change happening not just in Powai but pan urban India. The new ways of working are fusing in the olden era and lines of office and official are getting blurred. They are also the laboratories of how modern is adapting the traditional and old is storming with the new to form a different kind of culture.

So next time you go to grab your cup of coffee at a Cafe, you know a lot more is brewing there and not just coffee!

-Reproduced from my column in 'My Powai' magazine.

If you have enjoyed my writings, don't miss this most popular article.

I am a writer by passion, a petroleum engineer by accident and a proud Indian by origin. Follow my stories on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

I usually carry a book while I travel but on my last trip, I somehow decided to make an exception. After a pitstop in Jaipur, I was travelling to my hometown, Dehradun where my brother has an extraordinary collection of books. So I thought, if I felt like reading, I would pick something from his library. But it never went that far. On my very first day at home, I found ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, 50th edition lying on the coffee table just like that. If you are a reader, you would have read or definitely heard about this 1960s classic. A few days back, I had seen the book on my Instagram feed and had made a mental note of reading it someday. Like those some days that never really come.
Seeing the book on the coffee table, I felt as if it was waiting for me, to be read! It sounds silly, right? But have you wanted to read a book or was just curious about it and then it was gifted to you or you just found it in your friend’s closet? Do you believe books have a way of choosing you? Ok, let me not freak you out, here!
So, I quickly turned to the back of the book to read the synopsis. My first impression was that it sounded like a serious and a bit grave book. I started anyway because you don’t put down a classic without giving it that reader’s glance. And now, here I am talking about it.
I just felt I had to share my experience with this book. I don’t so much believe in reviewing a book, especially a legendary one such as ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. I instead believe in sharing my experience, the emotions it brought out and what I read between the lines within and beyond the main storyline.

So how does the book feels?
In one word the book is a ‘breeze’. The world through the eyes of Scout Finch, a 6-year-old girl is uncomplicated, filled with carefree summer holidays and all about finding Boo Radley.

This book will take you back to your own summer holidays, that smell of grass, and those moments filled with drinking fresh lemonades on the porch. It will remind of you, of the adventures of childhood and how black and white the affairs of the world looked, back then.

The Narration
The story takes time to build up. I went in with the impression made by the synopsis and was anxious for the main story to start. It doesn’t so until one is almost midway through the novel. After 50 odd pages, I decided to let go of my expectations and instead go with the flow. I started to get involved in the world of young Scout and Jem Finch and their relentless hunt for Boo Radley and their relationship with their father, Atticus Finch.
The narration is simple and discusses the most controversial and complicated issues such as class divide, parenting, moral integrity along with the main plot of racial inequality in the most simplistic manner. Even while addressing these serious issues, the book never once loses its charm or subtlety of its humour. The storytelling has a lightness to it with a heartwarming feel.
Even though the book is written during the America of the 1960s, it is still hugely relevant for the 21st century. The context and the message of this book crosses lines of border and culture. Don’t we all come across injustice, class disparity, racial discrimination, irrespective of where we are right now? As an Indian, I can say it is very much relevant to our country’s context where class divide, colour bias and the need to put women in certain kind of behaviour box exists.

The Other stories from the book
Though the main story of the case of a black man accused of raping a white girl revolves around racial disparity, there are several storylines and small incidents that bring out the strong messages and leave an impression of their own.

The Class Disparity
The class divide in the small town of Maycomb is representative of the world then and the world of today. Its subtle yet deep portrayal touches upon on the prejudices with which we discriminate among people based on where they belong, what they do and what there financial standing is. The story then contrasts it with the innocent and impartial view of two young kids, Scout and Jem. You’d realise that the world would be a lot better place if kids ruled it:)

The Parenting Tip
The character of Atticus, a single parent to Scout and Jem gives some fine examples of perfect parenting. It demonstrates that parenting is perseverance, persistence and full of tactics yet transparent. In today’s world of helicopter parenting, it showcases how to gently mould the character of a child without being an iron hand. I personally found it more progressive and exemplary.

Morality and Strong Character is never out of fashion
The book gives a strong message that even if you know you are going to eventually lose, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand up for what is right. Atticus character makes a strong case for rooted moral values and courage of righteousness. It tells that even a small dent is the beginning of the change. It conveys that the act of men and women of today will define the character of those of tomorrow. Isn't’ our history full of examples of how the big change started with small steps?

Jem and Scout as the brother-sister duo are so relatable and fun. The story beautifully captures their journey through the thick and thin. They both are ready to fight tooth and nails for each other and sometimes with each other too. It also captures an ever-evolving relationship between siblings as time clock ticks. You will definitely find glimpses of you and your sibling in them.

The Gender Bias
Scout’s encounters with her Aunt Alexandra, casts some light on the gender bias. It through these encounters touches upon the bias women inflict on their own tribe by creating a box of behaviour, etiquettes or dressing where every woman should fit in. The character of Scout is too young to understand this bias but the confusion in the mind of a little girl and her attempts to sometime reluctantly fit in is a lesson for the grown-ups that it is us who can condition our girls to be a daredevil, not docile.

What’s my favourite line from the book?
"...before I can live with other folks I have got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."

Truman Capote, the author of Breakfast at Tiffany’s on this book:
‘Someone rare has written this very fine novel, a writer with the liveliest sense of life and the warmest, most authentic humour. A touching book; and so funny, so likeable.’

Convinced enough to make it your next read? Buy ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ on Amazon here!

If you have already read it, care to share your views in the comments below?

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Note: The Amazon product mentioned in this post is an affiliate link.

I am a writer by passion, a petroleum engineer by accident and a proud Indian by origin. Follow my stories on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

मानो खिड़की ना हो, रंगभरी दुनिया का न्यौता हो |
क्योंकि जीवन में कुछ अलग करना हो, कुछ अनोखा करना हो, 

तो रास्ता दरवाजे से होकर नहीं जाता।
दरवाजा तो जाना पहचाना है,आसान है।

इसलिए जनाब ! जब कुछ अलग करने का, 
Risk लेने का, अपनी मनमर्जी करने का साहस आ जाए,
तो खिड़की ढूंढिएगा, दरवाजा नहीं।।

पर खिड़की के पार न जाने क्या होगा,
जमीन मिलेगी या आसमां होगा ?
या आग का दरिया होगा और डूब के जाना होगा ?

क्योंकि यह बात सिर्फ इश्क के लिए ही सच नहीं,
उस हर चीज के लिए है जिसे चाहना तो आसान,
पर पाना उतना ही मुश्किल होगा ।।

क्या यूं ही तकते तकते सवेरा होगा?
हौसला तो तुम्हें ही दिखाना होगा,
वो एक कदम तो तुम्हें ही बढ़ाना होगा ।

तो क्या सोचा, क्या करोगे तुम आख़िर?

क्या तोड़ पाओगे निश्चिति की बेड़ियां? 
और कूद पड़ोगे संभावनाओं की सागर में, प्रयत्नशीलता की पोटली लेकर?

या कस के बंद कर दोगे वो खिड़की और सोचोगे जीवनभर,
की कूद जाते तो न जाने जीवन का रंग आज क्या होता?                              

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